The information on this website includes names, events (birth, marriage, death) and other facts relating to the life of a person or family, for the purposes of family history research.

The main sources have been in the public domain, ie Government Birth, Death & Marriage records, National Archives, Census papers, Electoral Rolls, Newspaper Archives, Social Networking sites, and the internet in general etc.

Privacy is important, and all here strives to voluntarily adhere to the principles of the (NZ) Privacy Act.

The details of all living people are automatically hidden regardless of being supported by publicly sourced information. [The exception to this is when a person has given EXPRESS instruction to be 'visible'.]

If you have any concerns or questions about whether your personal details are being stored here, please make contact via the form at the bottom of any page.
We'd really really appreciate any documents, notices, records or information that helps verify adding people to their rightful families; and seek to have 2 sources for each detail we record.

Corrections will be made immediately upon provision of alternate evidence.

Please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

There are many different opinions about what ought to be shared within and outside the family.

Some people prefer to keep their skeletons in the cupboard, others prefer to get it out in the open, some prefer to divulge little more information than their name and what is publicly accessible, others want to share their stories.

In the process of doing so we want to honour each person and meet them where they are at.

To this end here are some Guidelines for Sharing information that we hope will guide your experiences here.

Obviously we have chosen to facilitate this sharing using a website - that's how you are reading this!

Contributing to the website is for people who want to do so. There is no obligation just an opportunity.

Please consider these Guidelines for Using Technology to Share Family History too.


While many people will be content with knowing a little more about their grandparents than they do already, the potential is there to get carried away with tracing your family history further back than that.

This is an illustration of the number of people that you could expect to find at each step backwards in time.

2 parents
4 grandparents
8 g grandparents
16 gg grandparents
32 ggg grandparents
64 gggg grandparents
128 ggggg grandparents
256 gggggg grandparents
512 ggggggg grandparents
1,024 gggggggg grandparents
2,048 ggggggggg grandparents
4,096 gggggggggg grandparents
8,192 ggggggggggg grandparents
16,384 gggggggggggg grandparents
32,768 ggggggggggggg grandparents
65,536 gggggggggggggg grandparents
131,072 ggggggggggggggg grandparents
262,144 gggggggggggggggg grandparents
524,288 ggggggggggggggggg grandparents
1,048,576 gggggggggggggggggg grandparents
2,097,152 ggggggggggggggggggg grandparents

A great way to see if there are areas missing in your own family history, is to use the Circle Diagram in the Charts menu.


This website has been created using PhpGedView family history software, which is Open Source (a programme that is created by a community of people who offer their ever-changing software free to everyone).

The theme (the way it looks), customised by Twiggy, is based on the New Zealand National Emblem - the Silver Fern.