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  1. Francis Victor COPP ‏[Frank]‏ 1874-1948 (Age 74)    Marriage  Ellen ‏(Nell)‏ HOLDAWAY 1872-1949 (Age 77)
    1. Agnes Lillian COPP 1898-
    2. Leslie Francis COPP 1904-1967 (Age 62)    Marriage  Lila Alice Rose AVERY
      1. John Archibald COPP ‏[Jack]‏ 1910-1984 (Age 73)    Marriage  Hera Lockie RYAN 1913-1990 (Age 77)
    3. ...
    4. Henry Charles COPP    Marriage1846  Selina Ann DANIELS 1826-
      1. Tedwill COPP 1846-
      2. Robert Newton COPP 1949-
    5. ...............